White Plains Personal Injury Lawyer

If you’ve got questions about your personal injury case, a White Plains injury lawyer has the answers you need.

While any serious injury will likely result in enduring pain and suffering, it’s important to recognize your ability to recover compensation for whatever your losses and injuries may be. Personal injury law provides an avenue to recovery for victims like you.

Put a bit more bluntly, most personal injury victims find themselves unable to afford adequate treatment—or live the lifestyle to which they’re accustomed—without the help of personal injury compensation. And the law allows you to make yourself financially whole again if someone else was at fault for your injuries.

If you decide that legal representation is your best best, don’t think twice about reaching out to a White Plains personal injury lawyer at Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP.

Categorizing Your Case

When filing a White Plains personal injury claim, being able to identify the type of accident to which you’ve been subjected becomes of paramount importance. Personal injury-based legal actions commonly revolve around any of the following accident types:

  • Motor Vehicle Accidents – Often, a car crash that leaves a lasting impact occurs as the result of a single reckless maneuver. It also pays to note that motor vehicle accidents have become more prevalent in the United States in recent years, likely due to the wide variety of distractions drivers have at their disposal. Victims of car, motorcycle, and truck accidents will need to prove that another motorist’s negligence led to their collision.
  • Product Liability – Whether it’s a toy or tractor-trailer, any defective product can lead to serious injuries. In product liability cases, a manufacturer’s intent isn’t considered as much as its role—or lack thereof—in preventing the flaws, regardless of the extent of your injuries.
  • Premises Liability – Offices, residences, and restaurants alike can serve as the site of a premises liability accident. To have a solid legal case, you will need to be able to attribute fault to the owner of the property where you sustained your injury, even if you weren’t formally invited onto the premises.
  • Construction and Workplace Accidents – Construction and workplace accidents both happen with surprising frequency, which can be a scary thought. Anyone hurt in a formal employment arrangement is usually eligible for workers compensation, but sometimes a personal injury claim is the only way to receive adequate compensation.
  • Medical Malpractice – If the behavior of your physician, nurse, or any other medical professional ran counter to established practices, you may be eligible to recover damages if you were injured as a result. Major mistakes like amputating the wrong limb and more minor slip-ups like the wrong medication dose can warrant a claim.

Legal Considerations for Injury Victims in White Plains

When filing a personal injury claim or suit in New York, it helps to be aware of a few legal considerations. New Yorkers, for example, are subject to the liability standard of comparative negligence, which can reduce a personal injury victim’s compensation to the extent he or she is found at fault for his or her own injuries.

In practice, this standard would typically decrease your compensation on a basis proportionate to your level of liability (e.g., being found 30 percent responsible for your own injuries would lower your award by 30 percent).

Another consideration applicable to White Plains personal injury cases is New York’s personal injury statute of limitations, which is three years. This is a legal way of saying that you’ll be given three years from the date of your accident to take legal action.

Speak with a White Plains Personal Injury Attorney

If you’ve been the victim of serious injury, playing the waiting game is simply counterproductive. For quick and professional advice on your personal injury case, contact an attorney at Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP today.

Dial 1-800-VICTIM2 (842-8462) visit us at our White Plains office location, or fill out the online contact form below to schedule a free consultation with a White Plains personal injury lawyer.

Find a White Plains Personal Injury Attorney:

Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP
73 Market Street STE 300, Yonkers, NY 10710, United States
Phone: (888) 842-8462

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