February 15, 2025

Child Injured at Day Care

Whether you entrust your kids to a daycare center with a school-like setting, or a cozy in-home licensed day care business, you expect your children to be safe and well-supervised while you’re away at work. It’s a reasonable expectation, and the law holds day care providers to a high standard in order to remain licensed.

So, what can you do if your child is injured at day care? You weren’t there—so can you ever be certain of what happened that led to your child’s injuries? If the daycare provider was negligent or in violation of licensing standards, you may have a strong claim to collect monetary damages.

Many parents in a situation such as this find it beneficial to work with a caring, responsive personal injury attorney who has experience working with parents of injured children. With an experienced legal team investigating the accident and dealing with the insurance company on your behalf, you can focus on what’s important: caring for your injured child.

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