Brooklyn Spine Injury Lawyer

If a back injury has left you paralyzed or damaged your finances and quality of life in other ways, a Brooklyn spine injury lawyer can help you get compensated by the party that was responsible for your accident.

Spinal injuries can be devastating, especially after an accident that was caused by someone else’s carelessness. Many victims struggle with chronic pain, mobility issues, and expensive ongoing medical treatment long after a spine injury occurs.

The repercussions of a back injury can significantly impact your ability to live a meaningful, happy life and may even deprive you of your ability to work and generate an income. More often than not, a spine injury will affect your life and possibly your family members’ lives for the foreseeable future.

Unfortunately, many spinal injuries are the direct result of another party’s negligence. A qualified Brooklyn spine injury lawyer from Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP can help you seek compensation for the financial damages and noneconomic losses you have suffered.

Common Types of Back Injuries

Spine injuries come in many different forms, and may range from a simple sprain to a severed spinal cord that results in paralysis. Some of the most common types of spinal injuries include the following:

Many of these injuries can cause permanent paralysis, extreme pain, and may even be fatal in some circumstances. Spine injuries are notoriously difficult to recover from, and you may even be permanently disabled, necessitating daily home care, a service dog, or a wheelchair.

Furthermore, research shows a direct tie between serious spinal injuries and mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD.) While many spine injuries are clearly visible, there are actually some back injuries that can occur in accidents and not be immediately apparent. This is why it’s so important to see a doctor immediately after any accident—and then contact a Brooklyn spine injury lawyer should any damage be found.

Spinal Injury Damages and Medical Bills

Spinal injuries cost American citizens millions of dollars every year. Even the most minor ones can require long-term treatment, visits to physiotherapists, X-rays, MRIs, and a long list of other testing and treatment protocols that can cost you tens of thousands of dollars. When fractures and dislocations occur, surgeries or implants to correct the damage may be required, in addition to extensive hospital time—all of which will not be inexpensive.

The estimated cost of a spinal cord injury, incredibly common in both car accidents and slip-and-falls, can be incredibly shocking. Living with this type of injury can easily cost over $1,000,000 in the first year alone, depending on the severity of the damage.

Lost motor function as a direct result of a spine injury is also fairly common, and may rob you of your ability to work, take care of your children, and even enjoy marital relations with your spouse. Other types of damages you may be able to seek compensation for include pain and suffering and loss of the ability to carry out everyday tasks.

It’s crucial that you work with an experienced Brooklyn spine injury lawyer to ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve as a victim. We can examine the details of your accident and determine both the full value of your claim and who was responsible for causing your accident. An insurance company might make you an offer, but it’s guaranteed to be the bare minimum that they think they can get away with paying you. With our help, your settlement will cover all of your accident-related needs, both now and in the future.

A Qualified Brooklyn Back Injury Lawyer Can Help

Spine injuries are serious and have the potential to completely change your life forever. This is the most important reason to ensure that you have a qualified Brooklyn spine injury lawyer on your side throughout the legal process. There are many elements involved in accidents and injuries, and getting the compensation you need and deserve can seem like an overwhelming process.

After an accident, you will likely be contacted by many different professionals ranging from insurance adjusters to medical professionals to lawyers representing the other side. Because this is a traumatic time, dealing with a personal injury case on your own can be too much to handle, and you risk becoming a victim twice.

If you think you have been injured because of someone else’s negligence, let a Brooklyn spine injury lawyer from Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP help you make sure the right person is held accountable. Contact us to schedule your free consultation by calling 1-800-VICTIM2 (842-8462) or by entering the online form below.

Find a Brooklyn Spine Injury Attorney today:

Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP
41 Flatbush Ave 1st floor, Brooklyn, NY 11217
(646) 850-2601

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